Friday, January 17, 2014

Al Jazeera Host Asks Why Can’t Arab Armies Be More Humane, Like Israel? (VIDEO)

JANUARY 17, 2014 2:08 PM

Al Jazeera Arabic asks why the Arab world's armies can't learn to respect civilians, like the Israeli Army does? Photo: Screenshot / Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera Arabic asks why the Arab world's armies can't learn to respect civilians, like the Israeli Army does? Photo: Screenshot / Al Jazeera.
An Al Jazeera 
Arabic anchor 
recently asked 
his audience 
why Arab 
armies, and, 
particular, the 
regime of 

Bashar al-Assad, in Syria, can’t behave more humanely towards civilians, 

like the Israeli and French armies do?
In a clip uploaded to YouTube this week and flagged by
Mideast Media Analyst Tom Gross, the anchor  asks, “Why don’t they 
learn from the Israeli army which tries, through great efforts, to avoid 
shelling areas populated by civilians in Lebanon and Palestine? Didn’t 
Hezbollah take shelter in areas populated by civilians because it knows 
that Israeli Air Force doesn’t bomb those areas? Why doesn’t the Syrian 
army respect premises of universities, schools or inhabited

Why does it shell even the areas of its supporters?”
“I will also give you the example of France. All Syrians remember that 
the French forces, when they occupied Syria tried to avoid, when rebels 
entered mosques or schools, they stopped. The people would prefer that 
France come back! For God’s sake, if a referendum were to be held… if 
people were to be asked, who would you prefer the current regime or the 
French, I swear by God they would have preferred the French.
“The Israeli army, if it wanted to break up a demonstration, would have 
used water cannons or rubber bullets, not rockets or explosive barrels as 
happens in Aleppo today.
“You mustn’t compare the Syrian army with French or Israeli… The

Israeli army didn’t shell Aleppo University and students there. They 

didn’t shell the university with rockets killing dozens of students… 

The Israelis or the French didn’t kill their people. Please tell me how 

many of their people did the French army kill?”
Watch a clip of the Al Jazeera program below:

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