Friday, January 13, 2023

Differences between Trump and Biden's classified documents:

1. Trump told government officials where he was securely storing his documents. Biden's documents were discovered in multiple unsecured locations, not known to government officials when they were found.
2. Trump was president, and took documents directly related to his presidency. Biden was vice president, and took documents related to national security agreements with foreign governments.
3. Trump's documents have only been reviewed by himself, his lawyers, the DoJ, and the National Archives. It's not known who was given access to Biden's documents, and there's plenty of evidence to suggest China was granted access.
4. Trump's documents were immediately politicized by the corrupt DoJ in attempt to secure criminal charges against Biden's political enemies. Biden's documents were immediately excused, and the assignment of a special counsel was to give cover for an eventual pardon by Garland who continues to cover up Democrat crimes in violation of his Oath of Office.
5. Trump's document location was always known, which is why the DoJ knew where and when to raid Trump's home. Biden's documents (the first batch at least) were known to the corrupt DoJ prior to the mid-terms, but the information was suppressed for the political benefit of the Democrat party.

Yes, there are differences between Trump's documents and Biden's documents.

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