Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Miss Jamaica Hungarian/Magyar...

My behaviour even led to a frustrated mum and dad plonking
me back on a plane headed back to Jamaica at every
opportunity i.e. EVERY school holiday, no matter how short.

It's only since I became all grown that I actually realised how
incredibly lucky I was to have been in a position to learn about
different people and places and get to know other cities, like
the back of my hands. I feel it's equipped me rather nicely as
an adult by now giving me a sort of "worldly" perspective that
I perhaps wouldn't have had.

This was amazing. Also, my having a strong Jamaican mum -
she was born in Maypen, Clarendon, but always pressed upon
me and my two siblings the importance of celebrating and
remembering our African roots - and my having a European
dad - he grew up in Hungary, lived in Jamaica for ages and
taught me about my European ancestry, warts and all - has
really helped this "outlook".

I do truly identify with Jamaica's national motto "Out Of Many,
One People". I feel all the above makes me a pretty good
candidate for Miss Jamaica and I would be able to represent
you guys on the world's stage incredibly well, if I do say so

The maxim of Miss Jamaica World is "Beauty With A Purpose".
Beauty, as we know, is wholly subjective (aesthetic beauty,
in particular) so how I've interpreted this is that we ALL have
a purpose on this little planet and the beauty is when we
are able to fulfil it.

I think my purpose is to bring more awareness to causes
such as the plight of abused children in Jamaica,
underprivileged communities and cancer and I believe
Miss Jamaica World can help to facilitate this goal.

So far, I've tried putting my money where my mouth is and
joined thousands of others and competed in the Race For
 Life marathon - a cancer charity in the UK - for the past
few years.

Yes, it's a small start, but as we like to say: "Big tings soon
come!". Anyhow, I've gone on a bit! Now for the "techie"
stuff. This year your votes online count more than ever,
so if you take a teeny weeny bit of time out of your busy
day to vote for me (on the link below) I'd appreciate it.

Like, massively!

Gina x

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