Monday, July 20, 2020

The NBA is Taking Billions of Dollars From Modern-Day Nazis

From Monday’s Outkick the Show…

A lot of people ask why they should care about what the NBA is doing with China.  Here’s why you should care:

The NBA is taking of billions of dollars from modern-day Nazis.

Historical analogies rarely directly correlate but if you had to say which world power right now which is most like the Nazis of the 1930s, the answer would be China.

They have Muslims in concentration camps. They have forced slave labor. They have no basic human rights. They are a totalitarian regime which is expanding their influence around the globe and just took-over Hong Kong.

They are pulling books out of the Hong Kong library because they consider it to be a violation of China’s authority.

They have also made it a crime for anyone to talk positively about the Hong Kong protestors around the world.

If you leave China and come to the United States and say something positive about the Hong Kong protestors and then go back to China, they will arrest you.

The NBA likes to talk about being on “the right side of history.”

They are on the wrong side of history right now on the biggest issue confronting the NBA.  It is what is going on in China.

Are we in favor of basic human rights?  Or are we going to allow China’s authoritarian brand of communist totalitarianism to take over the world instead of the U.S. vision?

China has got us all fighting internally in the United States — Democrats, Republicans, Independents all throwing punches at each other while they are taking over Hong Kong.

China’s release and inability to stop and be honest with the coronavirus is far more devastating economically to the United States and other Western democracies but the United States – in particular – has been more harmed by the coronavirus than we ever were with the Nazis.

Let me repeat: The U.S. has been more harmed by the coronavirus — which China allowed to come to our shores and did not stop it in it’s country — than we ever were by the Nazis in the U.S.

Historical analogies are not perfect. But effectively what the NBA is doing is they are taking money from our modern day version of Nazis — the Chinese — and they are doing it to subvert American values.

The NBA won’t allow you to put Free Hong Kong on a jersey that you buy in the United States. But they will allow you say “fuck the police.”

Think about that. You can’t say Free Hong Kong on a jersey in the United States but you can say “fuck the police.”

The NBA is working for Chinese propaganda. Everything that they are saying they are putting on the jerseys in the NBA will be used as propaganda by the Chinese Communist Party to argue to the Chinese people — look things are not very good in America, this is what happens with democracy, it fails.

The United States is in a Cold War with China even though most citizens haven’t recognized it.

And the NBA is taking China’s side in exchange for money.  It is a massive deal. The NBA is not alone. There are a lot of companies out there doing this. ESPN / Disney, Apple.

We have to start to stand up to China. If I were president right now, I would cancel all outstanding debt over the coronavirus.  I would pull all the manufacturing jobs that I could out of China and put them into other countries — certainly anything that is important we need to make in America.

A lot of you don’t remember what it was like when the U.S. was in a Cold War with Russia. People have gotten fat and lazy in the U.S. They don’t realize we have an enemy in China and they are filling of our social media with hate.

They are trying to make us fight with each other so they don’t notice what they are doing.  The coronavirus, taking over Hong Kong, the South China sea, and they want to take Taiwan.

And the NBA is an important metaphor because of the Daryl Morey tweet for why we need to stand up to China and why we can’t allow our American sports leagues to become communist propaganda like we are allowing right now.

Moreover, we have Adam Silver and Lebron James bending the knee to China.

Think about this, Adam Silver said we express mutual express to China and no one talked about it.

No one mentioned it in the media.

Mutual respect. What does Adam Silver respect? Democracy book burnings?  Concentration camps?  Does he respect a lack of basic human rights and freedoms?

There is no reason to respect China at all.  They are a totalitarian dictatorship which has no respect for us. we should have no respect for them.  This is why the NBA matters.

We can just shut up and dribble, take money from China, and then claim that you are social justice warriors when you are ripping down American institutions in our country.

Friday, July 17, 2020

FLASHBACK: Obama administration shut down H1N1 testing, undercutting Biden's COVID-19 attacks on Trump

Brooks Kraft LLC/Corbis via Getty Images

Joe Biden continues to attack President Donald Trump over his response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Donald Trump forgot about COVID-19, but COVID-19 didn't forget about us," Biden tweeted in June. "The President couldn't wish away the virus in April, he couldn't tweet it away in May, and he can't ignore it away in June."

"Remember back in March ... we talked about the need to act like we were at war with the virus," Biden said of Trump in late June. "He called himself a wartime president ... What happened? Now, it's almost July, and it seems like our wartime president has surrendered, waved ... the white flag and left the battlefield."

A few weeks ago, Biden told Trump to "speed up the testing."

"The crisis in Arizona is the direct result of Donald Trump's failure to lead and his desire to 'slow the testing down,' and Americans are suffering the consequences," Biden said on Wednesday.

However, back in 2009 during the swine flu pandemic, the Obama administration instructed states to shut down testing for H1N1 and stop counting cases of the deadly respiratory disease.

In October 2009, CBS News released the findings from a three-month-long investigation into how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were reporting H1N1 cases during the swine flu pandemic.

"In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases," CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson wrote. "The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?"

"Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology, affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus strains," the report said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website confirms the CBS News report.

"Individual case counts were kept early during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak when the 2009 H1N1 virus first emerged," the CDC website reads. "As the outbreak expanded and became more widespread, individual case counts become increasingly impractical and not representative of the true extent of the outbreak."

"This is because only a small proportion of persons with respiratory illness are actually tested and confirmed for influenza (including 2009 H1N1) so the true benefit of keeping track of these numbers is questionable," the CDC stated. "In addition, the extensive spread of 2009 H1N1 flu within the United States made it extremely resource-intensive for states to count individual cases. On July 24, 2009, CDC discontinued reporting of individual cases of 2009 H1N1, but continued to track hospitalizations and deaths."

"As 2009 H1N1 cases continued to occur through the spring and summer, the task of counting cases became increasingly difficult," according to the CDC. "On May 12, 2009, CDC transitioned from reporting individual confirmed and probable cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza to reporting aggregate counts of 2009 H1N1 lab confirmed and probable cases, hospitalizations and deaths with the launch of an aggregate reporting web site. Once the numbers of cases increased beyond the point where counting of individual cases was practical, on July 23, 2009, CDC reported the number of 2009 cases for the last time."

The directive to stop testing and counting H1N1 cases was issued three months after then-President Barack Obama officially declared the H1N1 influenza virus a public health emergency and three months before the administration declared it a national emergency on Oct. 24, 2009. H1N1 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on June 11, 2009.

Attkisson filed a formal Freedom of Information and requested to know why the CDC ordered states to stop testing for H1N1. Two months later, she received a letter from the CDC Freedom of Information office.

"The letter is to inform me that my request for 'expedited' treatment of my FOI request has been denied because CDC has determined the request is 'not a matter of widespread and exceptional media and public interest,'" Attkisson wrote.

"First, it seems ill advised to allow the responding agency (which often doesn't want the info released) to determine whether an issue is of media and public interest and, therefore, subject to expedited treatment," she continued. "Further, the CDC may be the only agency on the planet to argue that testing and counting of swine flu cases is "not of widespread and exceptional media and public interest."

Ron Klain, who served as Biden's chief of staff in 2009 and Obama's Ebola czar in 2014, seemingly pointed out how the country dodged a bullet during the swine flu outbreak because of luck.

"It is purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck," Klain said last year at a biosecurity summit. "If anyone thinks that this can't happen again, they don't have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010 and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that."

Klain, who is currently an advisor to the Biden campaign, has since backtracked on his comments, specifying that he was only talking about the challenges in producing enough H1N1 vaccine for the public demand.

In late July 2009, the Obama administration promised there would be enough H1N1 vaccine to immunize 160 million Americans at the beginning of the flu season, but ended up with just 28 million.

The CDC estimates that in the U.S., there were nearly 61 million cases of swine flu, 274,304 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths between April 12, 2009, and April 10, 2010. H1N1 has a mortality rate of .02%, which is far less deadly than coronavirus.

Russian Police Major Falls to Her Death After Testifying Against Former Boss

Russian police wearing face masks patrol in central Moscow on May 17, 2020, during a strict lockdown in Russia to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. (Photo by Yuri KADOBNOV / AFP) (Photo by YURI KADOBNOV/AFP via Getty Images)
YURI KADOBNOV/AFP via Getty Images

A female police major in Russia has become the latest person to mysteriously fall to their death from a window after testifying against her boss in a criminal extortion case, according to local media reports.

The Moscow Times reported Thursday that footage from security cameras showed the lifeless body of criminal investigation officer Yekaterina Mishkina, 37, having fallen from the fifth floor of a nine-floor apartment building in the far eastern city of Khabarovsk, over 8,000 kilometers from Moscow.

Although circumstances around her death currently remain unclear, security footage captured her unsuccessfully attempting to reach the building’s rooftop before going back down the stairs. Reports indicate that Mishkina may have been targeted after testifying as a witness in a criminal case against her former boss, who is facing extortion charges.

Khabarovsk regional police spokesperson Yekaterina Tarasova told Gubernia that the department would launch an internal investigation into Mishkina’s death, noting that her lead investigator was “on yet another vacation” at the time of her death.

One source involved in the investigation told local media that officials found a note in Mishkina’s purse laying out a number of tasks she needed to complete until a certain point.

“This indicates that what happened wasn’t spontaneous,” the source said, adding that she was a divorcee who left behind a 14-year-old daughter.

Mishkina’s death is the latest in a string of mysterious incidents where people who have upset or crossed the Russian government or other figures have ended up falling to their deaths. As Russia has grappled with the Chinese coronavirus in recent months, three healthcare workers have died in such a manner after having criticized the Kremlin’s handling of the pandemic.

Last month, a police lieutenant colonel also died after falling from the fifth floor of Moscow City Clinical Hospital. The circumstances leading up to her death are unclear, although she was described as a senior expert for the Forensic Center of the Interior Ministry, a government-run agency.

Many journalists and other dissidents have also found themselves falling to their deaths in suspicious circumstances. The most recent case was Maxim Borodin, a 32-year-old investigative journalist who was thrown out of a fourth-floor window in April 2018 after covering Russia’s military involvement in the Syrian Civil War.

User Clip: Ron Klain "Purely Fortuity" That More People Didn't Die During 09 Swine Flu

| Clip Of Pandemic and Biosecurity Policy Summit, Part 2 This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN.

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May 11, 2020

Ron Klain "Purely Fortuity" That More People Didn't Die During 09 Swine Flu

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