Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The True Meaning of Christmas (recited by Linus)


Linus' speech about the true meaning of Christmas is the highlight of A Charlie Brown Christmas. Retrieved from The Bible, King James Version, Book 42 Luke, Chapter 2, verses 8 to 14. [Image of Charlie Brown and Linus is a screenshot retrieved from Wikipedia under fair use.]

An illustration for the story The True Meaning of Christmas (recited by Linus) by the author Anonymous
Retrieved from A Charlie Brown Christmas:

"I guess you were right, Linus. I shouldn't have picked this 
little tree," said Charlie Brown. "Everything I do turns into 
a disaster. I guess I don't really know what Christmas is 
all about. Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas 
is all about?"

"Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you what Christmas is all about," 
said Linus. [Linus walks to center stage.] 

"Lights, please."

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding 
in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them,
and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: 
and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, 
I bring you good tidings of great joy, 
which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.

The True Meaning of Christmas (recited by Linus)

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the
heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, 
good will toward men.

                 --Book 42, Luke (002:08-14)
                   The Bible, King James Version

[Linus picks up his blanket and shuffles off-stage.]

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How the mainstream media destroyed itself, with a little help from Donald Trump 18, 201612:18PM

DONALD Trump didn’t just defeat Hillary Clinton.
He defeated a global media establishment that, with very few exceptions, was determined to destroy him. And it’s that media pile-on during the 2016 US presidential election that may go down as one of the biggest strategic backfires in history.
“It’s a rigged system, folks,” the billionaire was fond of saying. That perception was widely shared by the public, three quarters of whom believed the US media wanted Ms Clinton to win, according to a survey taken the week before the election.
Never before has a presidential candidate so explicitly declared war on journalists.
Earlier this month, Washington Post writer Breanne Deppisch tweeted a picturefrom a rally in Minnesota of a Trump fan wearing a shirt that read: “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required.”
A few days earlier, fellow Washington Post reporter Jose DelReal tweeted about an encounter at another Trump rally. “Me: ‘Hey guys, I’m a reporter with The Washington Post, mind if I ...’. Star spangled middle aged man: ‘F*** you and The Washington Post.’”
Traditional political wisdom goes that you shouldn’t complain about the media because it makes you look weak.
But for Mr Trump, the war on the media was a key part of his election platform. At every rally, he would point out the assembled journalists penned into their enclosure, encouraging the crowd of sometimes tens of thousands to boo and jeer.
The idea to corral journalists like sheep — or alien creatures on display — reportedly came from Hope Hicks, his young press secretary. They became a handy prop, ambassadors from the establishment, the enemy.
“These people,” he told a rally in Florida, gesturing to the gathered reporters, “are among the most dishonest people I’ve ever met, spoken to, done business with. These are the most dishonest people.
“There has never been anywhere near the media dishonesty like we’ve seen in this election. Don’t worry, they won’t spin the cameras and show the massive crowds. They won’t do that.”
Seth Stevenson, a journalist with left-wing website Slatedescribed the experience. “We were a vital element in Trump’s performance,” he wrote. “He never once failed to invite his crowds to heckle us. He was placing us on display like captured animals.
“And it worked. The press pack, collectively, looked nothing like the crowds at Trump events — particularly in more rural towns. We’d file into these places with our sleek luggage and our expensive tech gear and our better haircuts.
“We were far more diverse than the people in the stands. When the crowds lustily booed us, we’d sit there impassive and stone-faced, and this only further served to convince the rallygoers that we were snobby, superior pricks. The pen was an amazingly efficient means of othering us.”
Already largely distrusted as a profession, journalists with media outlets like The New York TimesThe Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC did themselves no favours with their constant attacks on Mr Trump, often on social media but just as often as their official editorial line.
In January, The Huffington Post, whose founder Arianna Huffington was revealed to be discussing with the Clinton camp “using Huffpo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts”, according to WikiLeaks emails, began posting a disclaimer at the bottom of all stories about the Republican candidate.
“Note to our readers: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the US,” the note read.
Collectively they went all in, overplayed their hand, and quite possibly hurt, more than helped, their chosen candidate. “If Hillary Clinton becomes the 45th US president, the 2016 election will be remembered as one in which much of the mainstream media all but admitted aligning itself with the Democratic Party,” Carl Cannon, executive editor of the influential RealClearPolitics website, wrote last month.
Michael Goodwin, veteran media columnist with the New York Post, described this election as the “low-water mark of American journalism”. “Never before have so many media organisations, old and new, abandoned all pretence of fairness to take sides and try to pick a president,” he wrote.
“It is hard to escape the conclusion that playing favourites, while pretending to be neutral, is business-as-usual.
“The only difference is that WikiLeaks exposed the ugly truth. Much of the media world has long tilted left, but this year, the bias became open and notorious war because the liberal bell cow decided that Trump was not deserving of basic fairness.
“When The New York Times crossed the Rubicon by allowing reporters to express their opinions in so-called news stories, the floodgates opened across the country as imitators followed suit.”
By explicitly antagonising the media in their penned enclosure and labelling journalists variously “disgusting”, “dishonest”, “crooked” and “sleazy”, Mr Trump invited ever more attacks on himself.
That only amplified the sense, both among his supporters and those in the swinging middle, that he was right — look how the system was rigged against him. But it also inoculated him against those same attacks.
By mid-October, when a series of women began coming forward in The New York Times and elsewhere accusing Mr Trump of sexual assault, to most of his supporters it was like the boy who cried wolf. They simply weren’t listening any more.
They were on Facebook and on Twitter. They were on r/The_Donald, Reddit’s boisterous Donald Trump fan community with nearly 300,000 members. They were reading alternative media like Breitbart and Infowars, and listening to alt-right personalities with massive followings like Paul Joseph WatsonMilo Yiannopoulosand Mike Cernovich.
Media consumption was no longer passive. In all those places, Mr Trump’s supporters would take the mainstream media’s stories and pick them apart, dissect and quite often debunk them, all the while seething with rage.
In the aftermath of last week’s shock win, CBS News correspondent Will Rahn made a rare admission. “It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory,” he wrote.
“Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.
“And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.
“It’s a profound failure of empathy in the service of endless posturing.”
So was the President-elect right about bias, the “double standards” in the media, as Mr Trump told 60 Minutes on Sunday night?
Well there was the time MSNBC’s Steve Benen wrote an article titled ‘Khizr Khan’s words won’t soon be forgotten’ about the Gold Star family’s comments at the Democratic National Convention, a week after he penned a piece titled ‘RNC manipulates the pain of a grieving mother for partisan gain’ about Pat Smith, the mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith.
Or the time fashion writer Elizabeth Wellington wrote a piece about Melania Trump’s all-white outfit titled ‘Melania Trump’s RNC fashion: A scary statement’, only to gush the following week, ‘DNC Fashion: Hillary Clinton looked presidential in an all-white pantsuit’.
Or the time Salon writer Joan Walsh tweeted, “Are we seriously talking about Hillary Clinton’s health as a serious issue? Really?”, after writing a piece in 2012 titled ‘What’s wrong with Mitt Romney?’ that included the words, “Maybe we should be asking to see his medical records ... his struggles are our struggles; he’s running to be our president.”
Or the time Salon, in 2007, published an article titled ‘‘Nazis’ and ‘Hitler’ — the Right’s casual, trivialising political insults’, before nine years later casually pondering, ‘Is Donald Trump a new Hitler?’.
Or the time The Huffington Post published an article titled ‘Speculating about candidate health is mudslinging, not medicine’, after publishing a piece in 2008 titled ‘Is John McCain mentally fit to be president?’.
Or the time Slate published an article in 2012 titled ‘In defence of the Electoral College’, before this week’s take which declared, ‘The Electoral College is an instrument of white supremacy — and sexism’.
Or the time the media had a collective meltdown when Mr Trump said he might not accept the result of the election — conveniently forgetting that Al Gore challenged the 2000 election all the way to the Supreme Court — before hailing violent anti-Trump protests in the wake of the election as “only the opening act of years of discord”.
Or there’s that small matter of violence. When a Trump supporter punched a protester in the face at a rally, news networks around the world ran the footage on high rotation for a week. The man, 78-year-old John McGraw, was charged with assault and disorderly conduct.
But when undercover journalists provided concrete evidence that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was paying professional protesters to infiltrate Trump rallies and assault his supporters, the media was silent.
When Trump supporters were punched, chased and pelted with water bottles and eggs at a rally in California, or in dozens of other violent incidents at rallies across the country all year, there was a distinct sense from the media: they had it coming.
After all, Donald Trump is literally Hitler.
It’s the same story since the election. While the media obsesses over a highly dubious wave of hate crime in “Trump’s America”, usually consisting of “I’ll ride with you” style friend-of-a-friend’s-sister Facebook posts, it largely ignores actual video evidence of violent attacks on Trump supporters.
All of this has led many to completely disconnect from what they have taken to calling by the German word “lugenpresse”, or “lying press” — a term used by Germans angry at the media for actively suppressing negative news about immigrants, notably in the wake of the Cologne mass sexual assaults.
The whole situation is neatly encapsulated by Time magazine’s take, which described the phenomenon in an article titled ‘Donald Trump supporters are using a Nazi word to attack journalists’.
Because if people don’t like you, calling them Nazis should do the trick.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A short explanation of why Big Media entities float outrageous BS into public consumption.

Oct 14th 2019, 10 tweets, 2 min read

1. A short explanation of why Big Media entities float outrageous BS into public consumption.

Remember the "animals" uproar? 

2. That was perfect example of this tactic and, in that case, a huge chunk of the mainstream media and the Twitter Blue Check Mark Mafia pretended that President Trump referred to illegal immigrants as animals, when he was actually referring to the demonic gang MS-13. 

3. Here's the intended effect of the tactic: even after the truth comes out, there will still be a significant segment of the public who believes the falsehood.

And there will be nothing you can do to show them that they are wrong. 

4. That's the beauty of Big Media outrageous BS flotation. Call it weaponization of disinformation. 

5. I noticed this pattern long ago and now, with instant communication, it happens so much, I don't usually bother to comment on it. But a lot of honest people are shocked that information purveyors do this. Honest people expect others to be honest. 

6. But after the last dozen or so KNOWN Big Media hoaxes, the expectation of honesty from any of them is naive at best and stupid at worst. 

7. Big Media's intent: to gain converts to the "correct" POV. In this case, the "correct" one is that the US has abandoned the Kurds, as if the latter were a singular national entity. (They are not.) 

8. The "Turkish attack video" -- in reality, video of range practice at Kentucky -- served its purpose. The correct POV got a few more converts. 

9. We should always be ready for the next flotation. And there will be a next one, maybe even today.



Here's the video that ABC probably used to craft its latest lie.

From 2015 at Knob Creek Gun Range in Kentucky.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bad mouth

Monday, November 4, 2019

SHAPIRO: The Media Investigates Conan’s ‘Medal Of Pawner’ Award

DOD Photo. The military working dog who sustained minor injuries during the raid has returned to duty.

On Thursday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Shapiro talks about the media’s outrageous reaction to President Donald Trump tweeting a Daily Wire meme about Conan, the dog that sustained minor injuries while hunting down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Video and partial transcript below: 
So The Daily Wire social media team, who listen to the show and then very often create memes that are often kind of drawn from the general themes of the show, they put out a meme, and the meme was a picture of President Trump awarding the “Medal of Pawner” to [Conan the Hero] dog.  

[Our team found] a picture of President Trump awarding a Medal of Honor to an American hero named James McCloughan, who is credited with saving the lives of 10 men in a battle in Vietnam, and this photo had nothing to do with McCloughan. The last thing that The Daily Wire would ever think of doing is deriding an actual war hero, of course, and nobody actually thinks that’s what the Daily Wire social media team was doing with  Are they really suggesting that this was meant to dishonor the person who was at the center of the photo? No. The Daily Wire social media team took this photo and they just put in the dog. They obviously photoshopped in the dog. 
So it’s President Trump putting not the Medal of Honor, it’s a medal that has a picture of a paw print on it, on the dog, obviously photoshopped. It has our watermark in the bottom right hand corner of the picture, nobody’s trying to hide the ball here. This is just a cute little tribute to a very good doggy. That’s all. It’s a joke and a cute little tribute to a very good doggy. 
So President Trump sees this, and he thinks it’s cute because one of the charming things about Trump, and there are many things that are not charming about Trump, one of the wonderful, charming things about Trump is that when the man sees something that he enjoys, he sort of puts it out there. So he put out our picture with the watermark in the right hand corner of himself giving the “Medal of Pawner” to the dog … [And] President Trump then tweets out, “AMERICAN HERO!”
Now, this should be the end of the story. It’s just like a cute, funny little tweet. But no, our intrepid media are on the case. The Washington Post, and The New York Times, and USA Today and pretty much everybody else covers this as though it’s actual news and that it’s a scandal  not just that President Trump tweeted out a meme, but that it’s a real scandal … .
This story from Alex Horton, reporter at The Washington Post. Here’s a first note: Alex Horton apparently is an Iraq war veteran. Nothing but respect for his military service. Also, this is insanely bad reporting. So two things can be true at once: Alex Horton can be an American patriot who served honorably in Iraq;  also, he can be an unbelievably crappy reporter. So here is his report from The Washington Post. The headline says, “Trump tweeted a photo of a Medal of Honor recipient  who was edited it out and replaced by Conan the dog”
Then it says:
In a somber White House ceremony in July 2017, President Trump draped the Medal of Honor around the neck of James McCloughan. He was credited with saving the lives of 10 men in a brutal, days-long battle in Vietnam, and Trump told the former Army medic that “we are in all of your actions and your bravery.
On Wednesday, Trump posted a photo of that moment with McCloughan’s image replaced by that of a dog.
The distinctive star of metal was replaced with a paw print.
Trump and the Pentagon initially declined to release the dog’s name, later confirmed as Conan, but the canine has since become a social media sensation after Trump tweeted a photo of the dog on Monday.
Since then, the dog has been a feature of countless memes.
Conan also collided with a real-world moment after the conservative site Daily Wire tweeted the image Tuesday with McCloughan removed. A watermark of the site appears in Trump’s tweet, but it is cropped version that removed the attribution of the source photo, which is the Associated Press.
That’s because the source photo has now been dramatically altered. The source photo did not include a dog or a Medal of Pawner, you idiots. It’s called a meme. This is how memes work on the interwebs.
That would have indicated it began as a legitimate news photo, raising the question of whether Trump or a staffer knew McCloughan had been edited out.
Okay, so I’m pretty fairly certain that Trump knew he had not actually awarded the “Medal of Pawner” to a dog. I’m fairly certain that Trump knew this. Now, even if you thought that Trump may have forgotten that he awarded the Medal of Honor to a dog, I feel like he would have known that it wasn’t real once he looked and saw it was a Medal of Pawner. It’s a paw on the medal … Then this is the best part: 
Jeremy Boreing, the chief operating officer at the Daily Wire, dismissed emailed questions about whether the altered photo originated from his publication.
Okay, this is the part that’s totally insane. So, Jeremy, who is my longtime business partner and chief operating officer at Daily Wire  co-founder of Daily Wire. Listen to that sentence again: “dismissed emailed questions about whether the altered photo originated from his publication.”
First of all, number one, our watermark’s on it. It’s like, right there in Trump’s original tweet, but the way that’s reported, sounds like Boreing dismissed questions  like he wouldn’t, we refused. We at The Daily Wire, we were so scared of the question, we refused to answer the question as to whether the altered photo originated from our publication. We just refused, because this a scoop, guys. Here’s how the actual exchange went: 
Alex Horton e-mailed our social media team. He said:
Hello, I’m with The Washington Post, and I wanted to get confirmation this photo originated with you, and if it did, that you digitally removed Medal of Honor recipient James McCloughan and replaced him with a dog.
Jeremy responded the way that any normal human being could respond, it is a pretty epic response. He wrote back:
Alex, on the record, you’ve got to be f***ing joking. Please quote me on that. Thanks, Jeremy.
We jokingly call Jeremy the “god-king,” but he definitely was great there. That’s spectacular stuff from Jeremy …
Then, it was reported by The Washington Post as Jeremy “dismissed emailed questions” about  What? No, he didn’t dismiss emailed questions. He dismissed your stupid question, he dismissed you. Like, there’s no way to read that as Jeremy saying, “You know, we have no comment.” We issue “no comments” here all the time here at The Daily Wire. It’s a thing that everybody does in the media, that happens. If we wanted to “no comment,” you know what we could’ve done? “No comment.”